April 2024 Updates

Hear more about what’s happening around Awakened Learning this month!

Learning Strategies for first-year students

In this brief article for The Conversation -- and check-out its same-page layout with Beyonce and the solar eclipse (!!! #DreamComeTrue) -- I try to make the case for teaching learning strategies (like time management, note-taking, studying, test-taking) as a way to help students stay past their first year and beyond (especially when it feels hard to stay, when marks are tanking, when dropping out looks like a good alternative). Please take a read and let me know what you think!

Welcome Kris Bertram

We have a new member joining the Awakened Learning team: meet Kris Bertram, our Athlete-Focused Learning Strategist! If you’ve got an athlete at home who’s struggling with the schoolwork piece, from academic confidence to deadlines to time management, Kris is the strategist for you!


Spotlight on stamina


Education exhaustion